The things that we want to do
Footpaths and cycle paths
Win Furt was created to take forward the ideas that came out in a community survey in 2021. The survey was delivered to every household in the Tingwall, Whiteness and Weisdale area and asked what would most improve the area. The most popular response by far was footpaths and cycle paths.
Following work to look at all the problems in the area, Win Furt created a short list of possible paths and, in June this year, we started to talk to the local landowners about them. At the end of this process we will have a list of options that can be put to the community for them to decide which ones happen first. Our aim is to start with one project on the Tingwall side and one on the Whiteness and Weisdale side.
What else?
The footpaths are long term projects that will take several years to deliver. There are, though, other projects that can be progressed at the same time. More playparks was another common answer in the survey and this is something that we want to investigate.
What else would you like to see?